

Articles on employee training, management, customer service, harassment, diversity and many other workplace topics.
Subcategories: Customer Service, Employee Development, Employment Law, Management/Leadership, Safety, Workplace Bullying, Workplace Diversity

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The FMLA: Stay in Compliance
The FMLA: Stay in Compliance
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 10-08-2018 02:35 AM
Views: 2004
Synopsis: The FMLA can be confusing, however with a little research and guidance the basics of the law can be easily understood.
Bystander Invention: The Most Powerful Sexual Harassment Prevention Tool
Bystander Invention: The Most Powerful Sexual Harassment Prevention Tool
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 09-09-2018 07:33 PM
Views: 3608
Synopsis: Stopping sexual harassment takes more than a policy or a sternly worded reminder from management.  It takes a workplace culture that doesn't accept harassment and bystander intervention is the most powerful took available to create that culture.
Finding Talented Employees Through Social Media Recruiting
Finding Talented Employees Through Social Media Recruiting
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-20-2018 02:44 AM
Views: 2133
Synopsis: Social media may be the best way to find a qualified employee that fits your organization's culture.  Learn how this strategy can be a valuable tool to find talent in a strong economy with low a unemployment rate.
Wage and Hour Laws - Are You in Compliance?
Wage and Hour Laws - Are You in Compliance?
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-19-2018 08:33 PM
Views: 1805
Synopsis: The Fair Labor Standards Act governs minimum wage, overtime, record keeping, child labor and other issues pertaining to how employers pay, classify and hire workers.  It's critical that every business be in compliance to avoid fines and other penalties from the Department of Labor.  Let's take a look at the basics of the law.
Complying with the FCPA
Complying with the FCPA
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-11-2018 11:30 PM
Views: 1664

Managers must ensure that their team is complying with many state and federal statutes. At times it can be overwhelming. That said, there are some statutes which pop up more frequently than others. One of those statutes is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”).

The Profound Effect of Workplace Bullying
The Profound Effect of Workplace Bullying
Category: Workplace Bullying
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-05-2018 07:33 AM
Views: 3913
Synopsis: Workplace bullying is a huge problem in today's workplace and its impact has a profound effect on employee morale, productivity and employee retention.  However, there are ways to combat it and improve your organization's culture and bottom line.
Planning for an Active Shooting in the Workplace
Planning for an Active Shooting in the Workplace
Category: Safety
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-28-2018 07:01 AM
Views: 428
Synopsis: It seems like there is another active shooting in the news on a weekly basis.  The details are horrific and the tragedy almost never results in less than multiple deaths.  While there is no way to keep your workplace completely safe, there are strategies to prevent a shooting from happening and survive a shooting if one occurs.
Complying with the ADA
Complying with the ADA
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-25-2018 05:39 AM
Views: 1814
Synopsis: 56 million Americans live with disabilities.  This group contains a massive amount of talent   With a little help, disabled Americans can contribute to the workplace and have a positive effect on the economy as a whole.  The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed into law with this in mind.  Learn what you need to do to comply with this landmark legislation that has completely transformed the workplace.
Employee Retention in a Booming Economy
Employee Retention in a Booming Economy
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-16-2018 05:26 AM
Views: 1823
Synopsis: Great employees are a valuable asset and with the economy booming they are more valuable than ever.  With a great economy comes more opportunities for high-performing employees and effective employee retention strategies become critical.  Learn several awesome techniques that will help you keep your most valuable workers.
Addressing the #MeToo Movement in the Healthcare Industry
Addressing the #MeToo Movement in the Healthcare Industry
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-05-2018 01:53 AM
Views: 2285
Synopsis: The #MeToo movement has impacted a wide swath of industries, from media and Hollywood to sports and politics. Yet one industry that hasn’t received much media attention in this era of #MeToo is the healthcare industry.

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