

Articles on employee training, management, customer service, harassment, diversity and many other workplace topics.
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Help Your Employees Embrace Change
Help Your Employees Embrace Change
Category: Articles
Posted: 02-01-2011 03:17 AM
Views: 3604

Change is inevitable. Unfortunately, change can bring about fear, uncertainty and distrust amongst your workforce. These reactions are normal. Most people will feel one if not all of these feelings at some point when faced with change. It's your job as a manager to get them through these tough times. The business world is constantly in flux and it will be a constant challenge for all managers to bring their employees along and through these changes.  Change management training will help them through the process. Here are three ways to help your employees to embrace change.

Customer Service Training - Own the Customer's Needs
Customer Service Training - Own the Customer's Needs
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-30-2011 03:31 AM
Views: 2766

Customer service training is the key to a successful business. A company can have every other aspect of their business set perfectly, yet if the service isn't right, then the business will fail. Great customer services starts with great training. Every employee needs to know the company's service policies and how to work within these policies to provide the best service possible. Some of the most important skills in every customer service training program are active listening, defining customer's needs, making every customer their own and helping customers outside their department.

Customer Service Training - Make Sure You Have Specific Standards
Customer Service Training - Make Sure You Have Specific Standards
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-29-2011 03:14 AM
Views: 3919

It's really easy for companies to fall into the trap of having feelings rather than standards when developing a customer service policy. Without clear, concise standards its easy for employees to misinterpret policies and also very difficult to train new employees on what is expected.  Customer service training should be as crystal clear as possible.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - It's Not Always What You Think
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - It's Not Always What You Think
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-26-2011 08:15 PM
Views: 2666

Sexual Harassment in the workplace comes in many forms. Most of us are familiar with the most famous form of sexual harassment - the male boss harassing a female subordinate and trading work privileges for sexual favors, however there are many other behaviors that constitute sexual harassment. The victim does not have to be the same sex as the perpetrator. Harassment can occur with a man harassing a woman, a woman harassing a man or both parties can be of the same gender. Harassment occurs when one of the parties is receiving unwanted sexual attention and the gender of the parties is not relevant.

The Benefits of Empowerment
The Benefits of Empowerment
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-26-2011 03:18 AM
Views: 3031

Empowerment is one of the most powerful tools available to a manager and an organization. No one person can do everything by themselves. It takes a group of dedicated individuals to effectively run an organization. They benefits of empowerment are not only the ability to get more work accomplished, but also make the creative minds of an entire organization available. A workforce free to innovate and work unencumbered by micro-management is a happy workforce and a far more productive and efficient one.  Leadership training should focus on empowerment whenever possible.

The Power of Vision
The Power of Vision
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-25-2011 03:21 AM
Views: 2347

The power of vision in business is perhaps the most important strategic advantage available to businesses today. If businesses don't have a vision of where they want to be in 5 or 10 years then they are treading water in the present. Every business decision made in the present affects positively or negatively where the company will be in the future. If they don't know where that future is then decisions made today are like shooting in the dark.

The Poorly Performing Employee
The Poorly Performing Employee
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-23-2011 03:22 AM
Views: 3592

Employees perform poorly for several reasons and most of them have nothing to do with motivation. In every situation a manager needs to examine why the employee is performing poorly and enact steps to correct the situation. Candid appraisal meetings where both parties are able to evaluate the situation will help with the process and determine the root causes of the problem.  Management training should focus on this extremely important part of managing employees.

Customer Service - Its About Actions and Attitudes
Customer Service - Its About Actions and Attitudes
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-21-2011 03:23 AM
Views: 2948

Customer Service is common sense. We are all customers in our everyday life and we all know what constitutes good and bad service. So why is it so difficult? Why do we all commiserate with each about bad service that we seemingly receive on a daily basis? It all comes down to two simple words - Actions and Attitudes. Every employee's customer service training should include training on these two simple words.

The Manager's Role in Customer Service Training
The Manager's Role in Customer Service Training
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-19-2011 07:16 PM
Views: 3226

Creating great customer service in any company begins with management, no matter what the business is. The reason why is simple-Control for the company lies in management's hands. They control how the company runs and the image they wish to produce, all focusing on customer satisfaction to ensure profit goals are met. Managers are in a position to show, teach and model how the customer service is played out. A quality management training program and, in particular, customer service management training, are the preliminary steps toward ensuring all company employees provide ongoing service that keeps customers returning and profits increasing.

Social Media is a New Frontier For Customer Service
Social Media is a New Frontier For Customer Service
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-18-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 6238

Social media is a quickly increasing trend in the online world. No matter the size of your business, small or large, it can benefit from the use of social media. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace can offer your company so much more than just blogging and adding friends. Gaining new clientele and letting the social media community know what your company offers are just a couple benefits of using this virtual media outlet.  Educating your employees on how to provide effective customer service training online is  a crucial part of taking advantage of this new technology.

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