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Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 01-22-2019 11:56 AM
Views: 7458
Synopsis: One of the most important aspects of a manager's job is compliance. Without a basic understanding of all employment laws, managers are vulnerable to causing fines and legislation for their employer. The following is a basic overview of EEO law and the EEOC as it stands in 2019.

Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 12-30-2011 10:59 PM
Views: 7420
The world that we live in has never been more diverse and as a result workplaces have never had more of a need for tolerance, understanding and communication. One of the best ways to address this issue is through diversity awareness training with diversity videos. Video training is one of the most effective tools in adult learning and these training packages include leaders guides, participant materials and in some cases Power Point presentations - every thing you need to facilitate a training session.

Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-24-2019 05:10 AM
Views: 7209
Synopsis: One of the most important Supreme Court cases that defined vicarious liability under sexual harassment law is Faragher V. City of Boca Raton.

Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 08-26-2012 09:59 PM
Views: 7061
Stereotypes and biases can destroy an organization from the inside. They tear apart morale, creativity and motivation. Everyone has stereotypes and biases, but it's how we use them that makes all the difference. A stereotype is a generalized view of a person based on life experience. Essentially, we put people in a box just based on a shared trait. A stereotype can be positive or negative, but always can be dangerous when used at work. Biases are predispositions to see the world or people in a certain way. A bias isn't necessarily a bad thing until it offends or is used to the detriment of a co-worker. In the workplace, we can't allow these feelings to effect how we treat people.

Category: Management/Leadership
Posted: 04-22-2011 11:47 PM
Views: 6661
For many years in the workplace it was thought the best way to motivate employees was with money and fear. Excellent performers were rewarded with more pay and promotions and bad performers were fired or demoted. Family and life outside of work took a backseat to the job and it was universally thought that if the job required time that cut into an employee's life, then the job always won.

Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-18-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 6499
Social media is a quickly increasing trend in the online world. No matter the size of your business, small or large, it can benefit from the use of social media. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace can offer your company so much more than just blogging and adding friends. Gaining new clientele and letting the social media community know what your company offers are just a couple benefits of using this virtual media outlet. Educating your employees on how to provide effective customer service training online is a crucial part of taking advantage of this new technology.

Category: Articles
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 04-22-2020 03:54 AM
Views: 6216
Synopsis: Progressive discipline is one of the best ways for organizations to stay out of court but it's also an effective way to turn performance around and transform a low performing employee into a valuable asset.

Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-25-2019 08:45 AM
Views: 6142
Synopsis: In the most recent legislative session important updates were made to New York's sexual harassment laws. Every manager in New York state should be fully versed in these updates.

Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-15-2023 03:30 AM
Views: 6098
Synopsis: Forced arbitrations for sexual assault and sexual harassment have now been banned by federal law. Learn how this new legislation will effect your organization.

Category: Articles
Posted: 12-03-2010 04:03 AM
Views: 5919
Every good job interview has a format. A structure that is well organized and will lead to finding the best possible candidate without using preconceived notions or biases - an interview that uses more than a gut feeling to find the right employee for a job. When your interview is well prepared and has a structure it takes a lot of pressure off of the interviewer. The interviewer just needs to follow the structure and questions and they will feel confident that they have conducted a thorough examination of the candidate.