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Preparing for an Effective Interview
Preparing for an Effective Interview
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-09-2010 03:54 AM
Views: 2809

Hiring a new employee can be a legally dangerous situation. Turnover as a result of a bad hire can be costly. Most studies show a cost of about 30% of the employee's annual salary to find a replacement. In addition, interviews can put the company in legal jeopardy if they are not conducted correctly. One of the most important aspects of conducting a legal and effective interview is the preparation. In addition to preparing questions that are legally acceptable, an interviewer needs to make sure that the questions also are sufficient to provide an effective hire.

Interviewing: How to Insure Fair Treatment for All Applicants
Interviewing: How to Insure Fair Treatment for All Applicants
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-05-2010 03:57 AM
Views: 2805

Discrimination in hiring is prohibited by federal and most state laws and should be avoided at all costs. Individuals who have been discriminated against can seek redress in civil court and it can cost your company dearly in both reputation and dollars. Discrimination is prohibited against the following protected classes or groups: race, national origin, age (40 and over), sex, disability, military service, religion and color. The questions asked during an interview are the most important part of avoiding employment law discrimination. The best way to avoid any mistakes is to ask the same exact questions to every candidate who comes to your business for a job interview.

Be a Leader Others Want to Follow
Be a Leader Others Want to Follow
Category: Articles
Posted: 11-29-2010 04:05 AM
Views: 2772

A manager by nature has a short range view. The everyday tasks of running an organization keep a manager running around putting out fires and trying to survive the day. Day after day, week after week, his time is constantly filled. A leader finds time to look to the future. If there is no focus on the future, then the present will eventually mean nothing. Unless an organization knows where it is going then steering the ship in the present is an exercise in futility. It might as well be in an ocean thick with fog without a compass.

New York State’s New Pay Transparency Law
New York State’s New Pay Transparency Law
Category: News
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 01-16-2023 02:26 AM
Views: 2768
Synopsis: Learn about the specifics of New York state's new pay transparency law.
Sexual Harassment Training - The Best Investment a Company Can Make
Sexual Harassment Training - The Best Investment a Company Can Make
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-19-2010 03:47 AM
Views: 2761

Sexual harassment training is one of the best investments in time and money that a company can make. It is imperative in today's litigious world that everyone in an organization knows exactly what sex harassment is and why it is unacceptable. Despite the heavy amount of press on the subject, there are still employees who either know better and still do it, or simply don't understand exactly what constitutes harassment in the workplace. In addition, a company can be held liable even if they didn't know the harassment was occurring if they did not provide training and a policy to employees.

Customer Service Training - It Only Helps if You Actually Do It!
Customer Service Training - It Only Helps if You Actually Do It!
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 08-14-2012 09:41 PM
Views: 2759

A true story about a national sandwich shop that needs to completely revamp its  customer service training.

Set Clear Expectations and Watch Your Team's Productivity Soar
Set Clear Expectations and Watch Your Team's Productivity Soar
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-28-2018 06:54 AM
Views: 2751
Synopsis: Giving your employees clear expectations is a critical skill that will improve performance and save countless wasted hours.  Don't make your employees guess what you want, give them detailed instructions and they will deliver much better results on regular basis.
Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace: Keep Your Workers Safe
Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace: Keep Your Workers Safe
Category: Safety
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-30-2021 04:17 AM
Views: 2746
Synopsis: Bloodborne pathogen exposure is a serious risk in commercial and industrial workplaces.  Make sure your employees stay safe.
California AB1825 Supervisor Training
California AB1825 Supervisor Training
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-20-2017 09:08 PM
Views: 2737
Synopsis: A general overview of the AB1825 supervisor training requirements in California.  
Customer Service Training - Own the Customer's Needs
Customer Service Training - Own the Customer's Needs
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-30-2011 03:31 AM
Views: 2721

Customer service training is the key to a successful business. A company can have every other aspect of their business set perfectly, yet if the service isn't right, then the business will fail. Great customer services starts with great training. Every employee needs to know the company's service policies and how to work within these policies to provide the best service possible. Some of the most important skills in every customer service training program are active listening, defining customer's needs, making every customer their own and helping customers outside their department.

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