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 Illinois SB 1829: What You Need to Know
Illinois SB 1829: What You Need to Know
Category: Info
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 06-10-2019 02:35 AM
Views: 2014
Synopsis: Illinois is on the verge of joining New York and California by requiring sexual harassment training for both supervisory and non-supervisory personnel.  Illinois SB 1829 is nearly law.  Here's what you need to know if you employee workers in the state.
Washington State Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Washington State Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-15-2018 02:19 AM
Views: 1978
Synopsis: Washington's sexual harassment laws have long been some of the nations most protective of employees, so it should be no surprise that Washington was the first state to ban pre-employment agreements that prohibit employees from discussing sexual harassment that occurred in their workplace and agreements that deny the right to file a complaint publicly.  We listed all of the differences between Washington and federal law in one place.
Make Your Performance Appraisals Part of a Year Round Performance Management Plan
Make Your Performance Appraisals Part of a Year Round Performance Management Plan
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-08-2018 03:30 AM
Views: 1953
Synopsis: Managers should consider using employee performance appraisals as part of an overarching, year-round performance management plan. Some benefits include continuous improvement for employees, less pressure on employees, and closer relationships between managers and employees.
Fighting Unconscious Bias in Your Workforce
Fighting Unconscious Bias in Your Workforce
Category: Workplace Diversity
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 03-05-2019 10:09 PM
Views: 1947
Synopsis: Learn how unconscious bias affects relationships, morale and productivity at work.
The FMLA: Stay in Compliance
The FMLA: Stay in Compliance
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 10-08-2018 02:35 AM
Views: 1937
Synopsis: The FMLA can be confusing, however with a little research and guidance the basics of the law can be easily understood.
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in Construction and Industrial Facilities
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in Construction and Industrial Facilities
Category: Safety
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 03-21-2022 03:20 AM
Views: 1932
Synopsis: Every year 700 work fatalities and over 243,000 injuries annually due to slips, trips and falls in the workplace.
How to Destroy the Curse of Negativity in Your Workplace
How to Destroy the Curse of Negativity in Your Workplace
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 06-01-2018 07:06 AM
Views: 1844
Synopsis: Negativity can destroy a workplace.  Every manager faces it and must have tools in their arsenal to combat it.  Learn how to control negativity and turn your workplace into a positive and productive place with healthy and happy employees.
Mandated Reporters for Child Abuse in California
Mandated Reporters for Child Abuse in California
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-20-2021 03:27 PM
Views: 1842
Synopsis: California businesses with any contact with minors now have specific reporting guidelines.
Harassment Free Workplaces are Productive Workplaces
Harassment Free Workplaces are Productive Workplaces
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-07-2018 03:44 AM
Views: 1826
Synopsis: When organizations take harassment seriously, employees have better morale and as a result are more productive.  When employees know they are safe and their management cares about their well-being, it's amazing how much they can accomplish.
California Senate Bill 1343 - Required Sexual Harassment Training for all Employees
California Senate Bill 1343 - Required Sexual Harassment Training for all Employees
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 12-30-2018 07:49 AM
Views: 1770
Synopsis: Starting in January 2020, all California businesses with 5 or more employees are required to train all employees on sexual harassment once every 2 years.

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