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Don't Let the Service Department Ruin Your Service Reputation
Don't Let the Service Department Ruin Your Service Reputation
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 02-08-2011 01:10 AM
Views: 2947

Companies spend thousands, if not millions of dollars on advertising and customer service training to promote their extraordinary service and yet if the service department isn't on board all of this time and money is wasted.

About a month ago I took my lawn mower in for servicing at a local power tool and lawn mower company. The man in the service department told me the mower would be ready in 7-10 days and that they would call when the mower was ready. After 12 days, I hadn't heard from them so I called to find out about the status. I was told that it was going to be serviced that afternoon. The next day I showed up to pick the mower up and found out that it wasn't done, but would be done later that day. When we called the next day, the mower wasn't done but would be done that afternoon. To make a long story short, this happened again and again for the next week until we finally got the mower - ten days late.

Avoid the Legal Nightmare of Discrimination in Hiring Employees
Avoid the Legal Nightmare of Discrimination in Hiring Employees
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-04-2010 03:58 AM
Views: 2914

Discrimination itself is not actually illegal. We discriminate every day. When we go to lunch we discriminate against some foods in favor of ones we like. When we make friends we discriminate against some people in favor of others and we do so because of personal like and dislikes. This type of discrimination is, of course, not considered illegal.

How to be An Effective and Not a Defective Leader
How to be An Effective and Not a Defective Leader
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-11-2011 03:28 AM
Views: 2911

Leadership isn't a fine art. It isn't a gift that inspirational people are born with. Leadership is a clearly definable skill that can be learned and when applied consistently will motivate your staff to great productivity. Look in the mirror. When you think about your own personal leadership style are you a leader that you would follow?  If not, then maybe it's time to focus on the basic skills that any person in a leadership position can learn and succeed with.

Customer Service - Its About Actions and Attitudes
Customer Service - Its About Actions and Attitudes
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-21-2011 03:23 AM
Views: 2908

Customer Service is common sense. We are all customers in our everyday life and we all know what constitutes good and bad service. So why is it so difficult? Why do we all commiserate with each about bad service that we seemingly receive on a daily basis? It all comes down to two simple words - Actions and Attitudes. Every employee's customer service training should include training on these two simple words.

Sarbanes Oxley Explained
Sarbanes Oxley Explained
Category: Info
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 03-08-2018 07:26 AM
Views: 2901

The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was signed into law in response to the catastrophic financial meltdown brought on by corporate accounting malpractice.  Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and other large publicly traded corporations released fraudulent and misleading information to the public and hid debt in off-book subsidiaries  When the malfeasance came to light, the resulting carnage included thousands of people's life savings and jobs and nearly a trillion dollars in market loss.  Sarbanes Oxley effectively polices the issues that caused the meltdown and has brought transparency in financial accounting.

 Customer Service Training Will Improve Your Company's Bottom Line
Customer Service Training Will Improve Your Company's Bottom Line
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-01-2011 03:30 AM
Views: 2844

The benefits of implementing customer service training for employees and managers are many and the importance of this training should never been overlooked. However, implementing a training program that proves to be successful is a challenge that every company faces since it involves an array of factors. An effective employee training program must go beyond textbook material. It must also take into account the specific company's needs, its customer's needs and an assessment of how well employees and managers are meeting those needs, among other factors.

Recruiting for Retail Positions
Recruiting for Retail Positions
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-15-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 2840

Finding the right talent for retail positions can be time-consuming and at times extremely frustrating. But, lucky for you the ability to evaluate talent is all around you. All you need to do is shop. As a retail manager or business owner you have the unique opportunity to find talent in your everyday life. So take advantage of it.

Sexual Harassment Rears its Ugly Head - New Claims against US Immigration Boss
Sexual Harassment Rears its Ugly Head - New Claims against US Immigration Boss
Category: Harassment
Posted: 08-25-2012 09:15 PM
Views: 2820

Sexual harassment has once again reared its ugly head in the workplace.  Just today, it has been reported that three subordinate employees have accused a high level political appointee to the U.S. Immigrations and customs enforcement administration of sexual harassment.   This particular case raises an aspect of sexual harassment that is usually overlooked when we think of a perpetrator of harassment - the accused party is a woman and the three subordinate employees are male.

The Importance of Company Culture in Talent Acquisition
The Importance of Company Culture in Talent Acquisition
Category: Articles
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 05-07-2018 08:11 AM
Views: 2815

Nowadays company cultural is a critical component in attracting top-level talent.  Culture is now relevant in every aspect of recruiting. Many prospective employees will value finding an organization that is a good fit for them over a job that pays more money. Human resource managers need to include company culture as part of the recruiting process to ensure that prospective candidates will be a successful fit with their organization.

Legal and Illegal Interviewing Questions
Legal and Illegal Interviewing Questions
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 12-22-2011 11:00 PM
Views: 2813

Interviewing and hiring is a dangerous legal area for managers. Even questions asked with the best intentions can be considered illegal and open your company up for lawsuits. It is critical for managers to understand exactly what they can and cannot ask in an interview. Questions that are illegal in nature don't usually provide much valuable information anyway and in general are a waste of time from a hiring perspective. Make sure that you give yourself adequate preparation, so that you don't accidentally ask an illegal question.

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