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Religious Discrimination in the Workplace
Religious Discrimination in the Workplace
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-22-2021 03:12 AM
Views: 1660
Synopsis: Laws on religious discrimination can be complicated.  Make sure your organization stays compliant.  
Vermont Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Vermont Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-14-2018 10:20 PM
Views: 1657
Synopsis: On July 1st, 2018 Vermont's brand new sexual harassment law, "An Act Relating to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment" goes into effect with groundbreaking regulations that cover more employees and ensure that employers in the state are serious about preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment.  This comprehensive guide of sexual harassment law and training requirements in Vermont lists all of the most important differences between Vermont and Federal law.
Legal Employment Terminations
Legal Employment Terminations
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 01-08-2019 08:08 PM
Views: 1605
Synopsis: Employee terminations are consistently cited as one of the most difficult tasks in a manager's job description.  Not only are employee terminations emotionally difficult on all involved, there are also many legal best practices that must be considered in the process.
The Scourge of Electronic Harassment
The Scourge of Electronic Harassment
Category: Articles
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-24-2021 04:36 AM
Views: 1601
Synopsis: Learn how electronic communication has changed the way harassment is perpetrated in the workplace and every organization must change to combat this new source of workplace harassment.
Complying With New York’s Updated Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws
Complying With New York’s Updated Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 09-15-2018 06:41 PM
Views: 1593
Synopsis: In 2018, New York State became the 4th state to require sexual harassment training.  Unlike other states, New York's requirement includes every single employee in the state regardless of company size.  Additionally, New York City also passed sexual harassment laws that include training.  Let's break down these new laws.
The Employee's Role in Preventing Violence
The Employee's Role in Preventing Violence
Category: Articles
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-18-2018 11:25 PM
Views: 1578
Synopsis: Every employee in the workplace is vulnerable to violence.  From threats and intimidation all the way to assaults and workplace shootings, no worker is completely safe.  It's vital that every employee understands the best ways to keep themselves safe on the job.
Your Business Obligations Under HIPAA
Your Business Obligations Under HIPAA
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-09-2018 05:24 AM
Views: 1535
Synopsis: The privacy of personal health information has become a sacred right enjoyed by every American and the law defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) protects these rights. 
5 Ways HR Departments Need to Adapt When Using a Workforce Ecosystem Approach
5 Ways HR Departments Need to Adapt When Using a Workforce Ecosystem Approach
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 04-05-2023 03:09 AM
Views: 1528
Synopsis: A workforce ecosystem approach means that a business focuses on supporting the entirety of its workforce ecosystem instead of just part-time and full-time employees.
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is Here, Is Your Organization Ready?
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is Here, Is Your Organization Ready?
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-25-2023 05:47 AM
Views: 1472
Synopsis: At the end of 2022, President Biden signed into law the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to offer additional protections to pregnant workers and new parents. It does not go into effect until June 27, 2023, but that date is quickly approaching, encouraging employers to get educated and prepare to follow the guidelines set out by this law.
Why Managers Must Prioritize Time Management Skills
Why Managers Must Prioritize Time Management Skills
Category: Articles
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 12-01-2018 08:51 PM
Views: 1399
Synopsis: There are many skills integral to being an extraordinary manager, but perhaps the most important skill often gets overlooked.  Effective time management can be the difference between success and failure for most managers.

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