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Category: Employment Law
Posted: 08-20-2012 09:40 PM
Views: 3382
HIPAA privacy protection is federal law and sets limits on who can look at our private electronic, oral and written health information. The security component requires health organizations to protect patient electronic information with a tight level of security. It is critical that all employees who work with patient records understand HIPAA and how to handle and secure patient medical data. Comprehensive HIPAA privacy training is required by the law.

Category: Management/Leadership
Posted: 12-23-2011 11:00 PM
Views: 3375
The basketball player stands at the free throw line and he just can't stop thinking about how he all his shots have been short today and sure enough the ball clanks off the front of the rim. The actor stands on the stage and all he can think about is how he is going to forget his lines, even though he has them completely memorized, and sure enough he can't remember them at the most important moment. The man steps up to the podium to give a speech scared to death that he is going to stutter and sure enough he does. The mind is a powerful thing and seems to be able to affect our actions whether positive or negative. This is widely known as the Pygmalion Effect.

Category: Safety
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 12-14-2021 07:47 AM
Views: 3357
Synopsis: Every year slips, trips, and falls cost US businesses 11 billion dollars in workers’ compensation claims, loss of productivity, and regulatory fines. Learn how to reduce and prevent these injuries.

Category: Articles
Posted: 12-14-2010 03:51 AM
Views: 3356
Great business leaders know that there is a lot more to becoming a leader than simply being assigned to the role of manager. A manager is primarily an administrator. The job of a manager is to run a section, group or division of an organization and the role is an important one. The skills associated with this administration take years to develop and the position is earned. However, it does not automatically make you a leader. A leader earns his title by getting others to follow his vision. Both roles are extremely important within an organization and the employee who excels in both becomes an organization's most valuable asset and leadership training is imperative to accomplish this.

Category: Articles
Posted: 01-08-2011 03:28 AM
Views: 3356
Basic leadership skills are the building blocks that provide managers an effective base to build on in their pursuit of a productive and efficient work team. Leadership training videos are an effective way to teach these all important skills and fortunately the market is full of excellent leadership programs that provide the skills that every leader in the workplace needs. Most of the Leadership DVDs on the market also come with a leader's guide and other support materials, which make the package a complete program ready to use out of the box. The following are the programs we have found to be most effective for our customers.

Category: Employee Development
Posted: 05-07-2011 11:46 PM
Views: 3340
Do you wake up in the morning with a pep in your step ready to take on the day or do you dread every moment of your job and wake up depressed and unmotivated. Unfortunately, millions of people are the latter. They lack inspiration in their job and in turn they have little productivity. Their lives are bleak because of it and they mope along uninterested day by day.
What's the difference between the two employees? Between the ultra-motivated and the completely unmotivated? It comes down to self. Those that are motivated, choose to be motivated and those that aren't choose to be unmotivated. It's really that simple.

Category: Articles
Posted: 12-02-2010 05:59 AM
Views: 3333
Take notes! Taking notes is one of the most important parts of an effective interview. Note-taking will allow you to go back and see exactly what you were thinking when a candidate gave an answer and what they said. It's easy to forget an interview after it happens. If you rely on your memory it leads to decisions based on gut feelings. Candidates are trying to project an image and this image might be all you remember.

Category: Articles
Posted: 12-06-2010 03:55 AM
Views: 3316
Turnover is a huge problem in every organization; however some are worse than others. Most estimates say that employee turnover costs from 35% to as much as 100% of an employee's salary. The cost to recruit, interview, hire and train new employees increases every year. Turnover, of course, cannot be fully stopped, but one of the most effective ways to lower it is to higher better employees from the beginning. If you the employee that you hire has the skills, knowledge, ability and desire to do the job you hired them for then there is a much better chance that they won't quit or be terminated. The most effect way to hire a solid, productive, happy employee is through behavior based interviewing.

Category: Articles
Posted: 01-26-2011 03:18 AM
Views: 3314
Empowerment is one of the most powerful tools available to a manager and an organization. No one person can do everything by themselves. It takes a group of dedicated individuals to effectively run an organization. They benefits of empowerment are not only the ability to get more work accomplished, but also make the creative minds of an entire organization available. A workforce free to innovate and work unencumbered by micro-management is a happy workforce and a far more productive and efficient one. Leadership training should focus on empowerment whenever possible.

Category: Harassment
Posted: 04-06-2011 11:48 PM
Views: 3292
There are a number of behaviors that could lead to illegal workplace harassment. When continuous and unwanted behaviors are insensitive or offensive and focus around a difference or perceived difference, they can reach the level of illegal workplace harassment. Workplace harassment training should focus on the various types of behaviors that are considered offensive. It does not hurt to specifically spell out a number of these behaviors to make sure there is complete employee understanding in your harassment training.