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Info Entries

California Senate Bill 1343 - Required Sexual Harassment Training for all Employees
California Senate Bill 1343 - Required Sexual Harassment Training for all Employees
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 12-30-2018 07:49 AM
Views: 1822
Synopsis: Starting in January 2020, all California businesses with 5 or more employees are required to train all employees on sexual harassment once every 2 years.
Your Business Obligations Under HIPAA
Your Business Obligations Under HIPAA
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-09-2018 05:24 AM
Views: 1535
Synopsis: The privacy of personal health information has become a sacred right enjoyed by every American and the law defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) protects these rights. 
Sexual Harassment Laws in All 50 States
Sexual Harassment Laws in All 50 States
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 10-28-2018 06:17 AM
Views: 33873
Synopsis: This state by state comparison of sexual harassment laws lists how each state's sexual harassment law differs from Federal.
Complying With New York’s Updated Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws
Complying With New York’s Updated Anti-Sexual Harassment Laws
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 09-15-2018 06:41 PM
Views: 1593
Synopsis: In 2018, New York State became the 4th state to require sexual harassment training.  Unlike other states, New York's requirement includes every single employee in the state regardless of company size.  Additionally, New York City also passed sexual harassment laws that include training.  Let's break down these new laws.
Washington State Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Washington State Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-15-2018 02:19 AM
Views: 2083
Synopsis: Washington's sexual harassment laws have long been some of the nations most protective of employees, so it should be no surprise that Washington was the first state to ban pre-employment agreements that prohibit employees from discussing sexual harassment that occurred in their workplace and agreements that deny the right to file a complaint publicly.  We listed all of the differences between Washington and federal law in one place.
Vermont Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Vermont Sexual Harassment Law and Training Requirements
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-14-2018 10:20 PM
Views: 1657
Synopsis: On July 1st, 2018 Vermont's brand new sexual harassment law, "An Act Relating to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment" goes into effect with groundbreaking regulations that cover more employees and ensure that employers in the state are serious about preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment.  This comprehensive guide of sexual harassment law and training requirements in Vermont lists all of the most important differences between Vermont and Federal law.
Sarbanes Oxley Explained
Sarbanes Oxley Explained
Category: Info
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 03-08-2018 07:26 AM
Views: 2962

The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was signed into law in response to the catastrophic financial meltdown brought on by corporate accounting malpractice.  Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and other large publicly traded corporations released fraudulent and misleading information to the public and hid debt in off-book subsidiaries  When the malfeasance came to light, the resulting carnage included thousands of people's life savings and jobs and nearly a trillion dollars in market loss.  Sarbanes Oxley effectively polices the issues that caused the meltdown and has brought transparency in financial accounting.

The Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Category: Info
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 01-13-2018 06:21 AM
Views: 3342
Synopsis: The ADA can be complicated, but we've simplified the major points of the law for you.  The ADA was passed as the civil rights bill for people with disabilities.  Negative misperceptions about disabled workers made it very difficult for them to find meaningful work.  As a result, the country lost the benefit of all the skills and knowledge disabled employees possess.  With the ADA, lawmakers sought to right that wrong.  The ADA makes it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in hiring practices and on the job and allows them to bring their talents into the workplace.  This improves the economy as a whole and gives everyone with a disability the chance they deserve.
California Senate Bill 396
California Senate Bill 396
Category: Info
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 01-04-2018 09:03 PM
Views: 8305
Synopsis: In 2017, California passed Senate Bill 396 which mandates supervisor training on the rights of employees based on gender identity, gender expression, transgender, and sexual orientation.  The bill makes California's LGBT legislation some of the most progressive in the country.  California supervisors must now be trained as part of their bi-annual sexual harassment training on this subject.  Although the law doesn't specify the length of training, it must be included.  This article lists all of the LGBT rights in California.
U.S. Anti-Trust Law
U.S. Anti-Trust Law
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-20-2017 09:42 PM
Views: 3102
Synopsis: This general overview of U.S. Anti-Trust law covers the three 100 year old laws - the Sherman Act, The Clayton Act and the FTC Act shape the bulk of the law.

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