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Implementing Legal and Effective Affirmative Action Plans
Implementing Legal and Effective Affirmative Action Plans
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-14-2021 04:46 AM
Views: 3554
Synopsis: Learn how to implement legal and effective affirmative action plans.
The Importance of Organization-Wide Sexual Harassment Training
The Importance of Organization-Wide Sexual Harassment Training
Category: Harassment
Posted: 11-12-2011 11:02 PM
Views: 3543

Sexual Harassment. Everyone seems to know what it is and yet the stories in the media of its occurrence seem to be unending. The latest high profile alleged perpetrator is Herman Cain, but Mr. Cain is in a long line of men and women who have had their careers jeopardized by sexual harassment charges. So why does it still occur if most people are educated on it. There are many reasons, but the most prevalent are a sense of invincibility due to power, the belief that by the perpetrator that he or she is different than others and simple ignorance. The effect of all three of these reasons can be mitigated by organization-wide sexual harassment training.

The Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Category: Info
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 01-13-2018 06:21 AM
Views: 3505
Synopsis: The ADA can be complicated, but we've simplified the major points of the law for you.  The ADA was passed as the civil rights bill for people with disabilities.  Negative misperceptions about disabled workers made it very difficult for them to find meaningful work.  As a result, the country lost the benefit of all the skills and knowledge disabled employees possess.  With the ADA, lawmakers sought to right that wrong.  The ADA makes it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in hiring practices and on the job and allows them to bring their talents into the workplace.  This improves the economy as a whole and gives everyone with a disability the chance they deserve.
Workplace Bullying Prevention for Managers
Workplace Bullying Prevention for Managers
Category: Workplace Bullying
Posted: 08-22-2011 10:02 PM
Views: 3336

Workplace bullying is a problem in nearly every workplace in the world.  Some organizations face greater challenges with bullying than others, but it rears it's ugly head in most organizations today.  Workplace bullying is essentially treating others with hostility.  Bullying happens every day peer-to-peer, however bullying by managers towards their subordinates is an even greater problem.  Most studies show that workplace bullies are managers nearly 75% of the time.

5 Ways to Instantly Improve Customer Service
5 Ways to Instantly Improve Customer Service
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 02-20-2011 01:09 AM
Views: 3331

Customer service is the easiest way to get an edge on the competition. Studies have found that every disappointed customer tells an average of 10 people about their experience and that people are more likely to leave a business because of service rather than product. Customer service training for your employees will help you hold on to your customers and offer a superior experience over your competitors.

The Manager's Role in Customer Service Training
The Manager's Role in Customer Service Training
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-19-2011 07:16 PM
Views: 3327

Creating great customer service in any company begins with management, no matter what the business is. The reason why is simple-Control for the company lies in management's hands. They control how the company runs and the image they wish to produce, all focusing on customer satisfaction to ensure profit goals are met. Managers are in a position to show, teach and model how the customer service is played out. A quality management training program and, in particular, customer service management training, are the preliminary steps toward ensuring all company employees provide ongoing service that keeps customers returning and profits increasing.

The Locked Double Door - Everything is Customer Service
The Locked Double Door - Everything is Customer Service
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 02-06-2011 01:11 AM
Views: 3322

Recently, I went to my favorite ice cream shop and nearly pulled my arm out of my socket trying to open a locked door. The strange thing was that the store wasn't closed. For some reason, the double glass doors were only open on one side. Earlier in the day, I had gone to a local hardware store. (Yes, I know what you are thinking. Believe it or not there is still an independent local hardware store open in my city.) The hardware store also had this strange one door open, one door shut issue. Just like the ice cream shop, I nearly pulled my arm out of the socket on the locked door. These two establishments started me thinking. I realized that half of the stores I went to had a locked door when they were open. I also realized, as I looked back on it, that every single time I grabbed one of these locked doors I twinge of anger shot through my body and I entered the store annoyed.

Five Quick Ways to Motivate Your Employees
Five Quick Ways to Motivate Your Employees
Category: Management/Leadership
Posted: 04-19-2011 11:48 PM
Views: 3322

Your job has a manager has many facets, but probably the most important one is to motivate your employees to higher productivity and efficiency. With the economic climate, impending layoffs and the generation lack of optimism in the business world these days, your job as a motivator is even more crucial. Managers need to look for ways to keep their employees inspired and quickly! Here are few simple ways to get started motivating your employees.

The Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
The Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Category: Harassment
Posted: 03-17-2011 11:48 PM
Views: 3311

Sexual Harassment in the workplace is illegal and causes a myriad of morale and productivity issues for an organization. As a result, Sexual Harassment has disciplinary consequences for employees. These consequences are an important part of Sexual Harassment training. Make sure that every employee knows exactly what the result of non-compliance with your organization's sexual harassment policy and what steps the company will take when the policy is broken.

Sexual Harassment Law in Connecticut
Sexual Harassment Law in Connecticut
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 10-11-2018 02:56 AM
Views: 3289
Synopsis: In the wake of media accounts of sexual harassment in the workplace, many states have recently taken steps to strengthen their sexual harassment laws. For example, in New York, the New York State Legislature and the New York City Government passed legislation expanding the protections of sexual harassment laws and requiring anti-harassment training for many public and private organizations. The simple idea is that bad behavior has been occurring for too long and that state governments need to take appropriate action to protect potential victims and create safer workplaces

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