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Following the Law: The Family Medical Leave Act
Following the Law: The Family Medical Leave Act
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 09-02-2012 09:14 PM
Views: 3934

The FMLA or Family Medical Leave Act was made law in 1993 and provides for unpaid leave for specific family and medical reasons.  The act was passed to give workers a chance to take leave from their employment for pressing family concerns without the fear of losing their job or benefits.   All organizations with 50 or more employees who work 20 or more weeks a year are required to adhere to the FMLA.   The FMLA is a critical part of employment law training.

What Are the Differences Between a Leader and a Manager?
What Are the Differences Between a Leader and a Manager?
Category: Management/Leadership
Posted: 02-19-2011 01:09 AM
Views: 3913

The famous futurist Joel Barker says, "A Leader is someone you would follow to a place you would not go by yourself." Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean that you have been given the title of manager or supervisor. Leaders are people who look to the future and inspire people to follow them. They can come from any part of an organization as long as they innovate, embrace change and look to the future. Yet, people and organizations tend to group the titles manager and leader as if they were one and the same. There are several important differences between a leader and a manager. Manager and supervisors need to recognize the difference between the titles and embrace both roles.  Leadership training on this topic is crucial.

The 5 Best Workplace Ethics Training Videos on the Market
The 5 Best Workplace Ethics Training Videos on the Market
Category: Ethics
Posted: 05-14-2011 10:05 PM
Views: 3890

Using an ethics training video can be an effective way to teach your employees proper ethical behavior in the workplace. Ethics is more than about compliance. (although this is the ultimate goal) It needs to start with core values and standards of behavior expected by an organizations. The ethics videos available on the market attack this important aspect of employee training from both perspectives.

Help Your Employees Embrace Change
Help Your Employees Embrace Change
Category: Articles
Posted: 02-01-2011 03:17 AM
Views: 3870

Change is inevitable. Unfortunately, change can bring about fear, uncertainty and distrust amongst your workforce. These reactions are normal. Most people will feel one if not all of these feelings at some point when faced with change. It's your job as a manager to get them through these tough times. The business world is constantly in flux and it will be a constant challenge for all managers to bring their employees along and through these changes.  Change management training will help them through the process. Here are three ways to help your employees to embrace change.

EPA Compliance: Basic Guidance and Helpful Tips
EPA Compliance: Basic Guidance and Helpful Tips
Category: Employment Law
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 04-17-2019 02:15 PM
Views: 3852
Synopsis: The Equal Pay Act has been a topic in the news a lot lately as it's revealed that there is a gender gap in salary in most every industry.  Learn how to comply with the act and avoid costly penalties and a tarnished reputation.
The Poorly Performing Employee
The Poorly Performing Employee
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-23-2011 03:22 AM
Views: 3825

Employees perform poorly for several reasons and most of them have nothing to do with motivation. In every situation a manager needs to examine why the employee is performing poorly and enact steps to correct the situation. Candid appraisal meetings where both parties are able to evaluate the situation will help with the process and determine the root causes of the problem.  Management training should focus on this extremely important part of managing employees.

Understanding The A.D.A. Amendments Act
Understanding The A.D.A. Amendments Act
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 09-03-2012 09:09 PM
Views: 3823

In 2008, the American's with Disability Amendments Act or ADAA was signed into law expanding the ADA.  Over the years the courts had narrowed the view of what is considered a disability in the workplace.  The ADAA was signed into law to clarify the original intent of the law and broaden the definition of disability.  Now, many more people are covered.  This can cause confusion among managers in many organizations.  Making sure your managers are given ADA Training is the most important first step to insure you are in compliance.

The Effects of Sexual Harassment
The Effects of Sexual Harassment
Category: Articles
Posted: 11-20-2010 04:06 AM
Views: 3811

Harassment claims can be financially and legally hard on an organization, but what about the affect on the harassed party. Sexual Harassment can be debilitating to the victim. The effects on work performance and emotional well being can be catastrophic. Employers need to be cognizant of these effects and reach out to the victim to ease the process of recovery.

How to Be An Inspirational Manager
How to Be An Inspirational Manager
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-06-2011 03:28 AM
Views: 3808

It doesn't take charisma or talent to become an inspirational leader, it takes a desire to learn and dedication to see it through. As Vince Lombari once said, "Great Leaders aren't born, they are made with hard work." An inspirational manager motivates his employees because he follows simple repeatable steps and follows them consistently. First of all, a manager needs to respect his team and let them know the importance of their work matters through his words and his actions. Secondly, an inspirational manager publicly acknowledges the contributions of each of his employees individually. Thirdly, he treats each individual as a valuable person who has goals and needs beyond his job. Any manager who follows these simple steps sincerely will inspire a more motivated and productive team.

The Impact of Microinequities and Microaggressions in the Workplace (and How YOU Can Make a Difference!)
The Impact of Microinequities and Microaggressions in the Workplace (and How YOU Can Make a Difference!)
Category: Workplace Diversity
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-26-2022 07:21 AM
Views: 3758
Synopsis: Learn how to combat microaggressions and microinequities in the workplace.

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