The Poorly Performing Employee

Category: Articles
Posted: 01-23-2011 03:22 AM
Views: 3797

Employees perform poorly for several reasons and most of them have nothing to do with motivation. In every situation a manager needs to examine why the employee is performing poorly and enact steps to correct the situation. Candid appraisal meetings where both parties are able to evaluate the situation will help with the process and determine the root causes of the problem.  Management training should focus on this extremely important part of managing employees.

Employees perform poorly for several reasons and most of them have nothing to do with motivation. In every situation a manager needs to examine why the employee is performing poorly and enact steps to correct the situation. Candid appraisal meetings where both parties are able to evaluate the situation will help with the process and determine the root causes of the problem.  Management training should focus on this extremely important part of managing employees.

There are at least five different reasons for the poor performance.

The employee doesn't understand what is expected of them and therefore falls below expectations. Every employee should know exactly what is expected of them within their job. It should be written out clearly and signed by the employee so that there is no confusion. Periodic performance appraisals will help make the expectations clear and assist the employee in achieving their goals.

The employee simply has too much to do or does not have the resources to complete the job. Sometimes the expectations a manager has of an employee are just not realistic and they can't complete the job because of time and resources. Communication with your employees will help immensely with this issue. Maybe there is a better way to complete work or a tool that can increase productivity.

The employee doesn't have the skills needed to complete the job effectively. Many times employees are simply over their heads with the job they are assigned to. Make sure that you provide employees with guidance and training so that they can complete their job expectations. Comprehensive employee training is an integral part of every employee's development and the they can't be expected to perform without it.

No employee no matter how skilled, motivated or equipped could complete the job. Sometimes management's expectations are completely unrealistic. The employee may need an assistant or may just need less to do. Heaping an impossible amount of work on an employee could cause a good employee to seek work elsewhere.

The employee isn't motivated to do a good job. In this case an employee is capable of doing a good job but simply isn't motivated to do so. In this situation, management may need to evaluate if it is a company wide problem or isolated to the one employee. The workplace may need recognition, rewards and other motivating strategies to stop the problem or if it is the case of an isolated employee appropriate disciplinary action may need to be taken.

Make sure that you have frequent performance appraisals and use communication to give your employees the resources, training and motivation to perform exceptionally in their jobs. There are many reasons employees perform poorly and most of them can be corrected with proper management techniques.

Charlie Bentson King is a writer and producer of motivational training videos for TrainingABC. TrainingABC is a distributor of motivational programs such as Celebrate What's Right with the World and Give em the Pickle.

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