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4 Tips on How to Demonstrate Respect to Co-Workers
4 Tips on How to Demonstrate Respect to Co-Workers
Category: Employee Development
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 05-30-2018 03:28 AM
Views: 4621
Synopsis: Respect is quite possibly the most important part of communication in the workplace.  Without it, there will be conflict, low morale, losses in productivity, stress, depression, work absences and illness. This article lists several tips about how to show respect in the workplace
Workplace Bullying: Prevention Training is Essential to a Healthy Workplace
Workplace Bullying: Prevention Training is Essential to a Healthy Workplace
Category: Workplace Bullying
Posted: 08-20-2011 10:03 PM
Views: 4545

Workplace bullying has been around for generations, however only just recently has the cost of this unfortunate tradition been quantified. Some experts estimate the cost of downtime and employee turnover as a result of bullying to run into the billions. In fact, most studies show that 50% of employees have either witnessed or been a victim of bullying at work.

Why Managers Should Share Credit With Their Team
Why Managers Should Share Credit With Their Team
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 12-08-2018 05:29 AM
Views: 4529
Synopsis: Learn why sharing the credit for projects and accomplishments is a critical part of being a great leader.
Workplace Ethics Training - Deception
Workplace Ethics Training - Deception
Category: Ethics
Posted: 01-25-2013 10:09 PM
Views: 4526
Synopsis: Deception is one of the most important workplace ethics training topics. Deception includes a number behaviors that are perpetrated to improve the position of an individual employee or for the organization as a whole. The following are the most common types of deception in the workplace.
The Profound Effect of Workplace Bullying
The Profound Effect of Workplace Bullying
Category: Workplace Bullying
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-05-2018 07:33 AM
Views: 4382
Synopsis: Workplace bullying is a huge problem in today's workplace and its impact has a profound effect on employee morale, productivity and employee retention.  However, there are ways to combat it and improve your organization's culture and bottom line.
The No Fear Act
The No Fear Act
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 12-18-2020 06:33 AM
Views: 4376
Synopsis: Federal government employees are protected by federal harassment law.  Additionally, they are protected by the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act.
Sexual Harassment - The Difference Between Men and Women
Sexual Harassment - The Difference Between Men and Women
Category: Harassment
Posted: 12-26-2011 10:59 PM
Views: 4354

Much of the problem with sexual harassment in the workplace lies in the fundamental difference in perceptions that men and women have of appropriate words and behavior. What men think is appropriate is many times completely opposite of what women think is appropriate. Misconceptions and misunderstandings lead to behaviors that are construed as hostile work place harassment. There are several specific behaviors that remain pervasive in the workplace.

Customer Service Training - Make Sure You Have Specific Standards
Customer Service Training - Make Sure You Have Specific Standards
Category: Articles
Posted: 01-29-2011 03:14 AM
Views: 4348

It's really easy for companies to fall into the trap of having feelings rather than standards when developing a customer service policy. Without clear, concise standards its easy for employees to misinterpret policies and also very difficult to train new employees on what is expected.  Customer service training should be as crystal clear as possible.

Workplace Ethics Training - Anti-Trust Law
Workplace Ethics Training - Anti-Trust Law
Category: Ethics
Posted: 01-26-2013 10:09 PM
Views: 4227
Synopsis: One of the most common legal and ethical violations in the workplace is the breaking of anti-trust law. Making sure that your employees are fully trained on this crucial workplace topic should be a priority in every workplace.
Cyber Security: Your Network Security is Only as Strong as Your Weakest Employee
Cyber Security: Your Network Security is Only as Strong as Your Weakest Employee
Category: Articles
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 09-28-2017 05:17 AM
Views: 4190
Synopsis: Your organization can have the most secure firewall in the world and it's not going to do any good unless your employees are trained and motivated to protect the network.  95% of cybersecurity breaches occur due to human error and hackers know this...they would rather take advantage of a careless or clueless employee than try to break through a world-class firewall.

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