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Category: Management/Leadership
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-21-2017 07:46 AM
Views: 5634
Synopsis: Learn how fair management practices will protect managers from legal trouble while also promoting trust, productivity, efficiency, innovation and accountability. No manager can lead effectively without practicing fair, equal and consistent management.
Category: News
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-03-2017 12:00 AM
Views: 5529
Synopsis: TrainingABC Releases New Active Shooter Video for Workplaces
Category: Management/Leadership
Posted: 02-09-2011 01:10 AM
Views: 5392
You probably have an employee in your work group that is highly focused and productive and has risen above the rest of the group in terms of value. If you do, this type of success-driven individual has specific things that motivate them and you should endeavor to meet these needs.
Category: Info
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-22-2019 03:58 PM
Views: 5278
Synopsis: It's vital that employees in the financial services sector understand the legal aspects of protecting consumer data.
Category: Workplace Bullying
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-14-2013 04:46 PM
Views: 5223
Synopsis: Workplace bullying will destroy your organization from the inside causing employee turnover, decreased productivity and the decline of employee morale.
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-17-2010 03:47 AM
Views: 5179
Sexual Harassment training is quite possibly the most important training that your organization can provide and the use of sexual harassment videos is the most effective way to conduct this training. Sexual Harassment videos almost always come with a leader’s guide, a quiz and attendance forms. Everything you need to give the training in one box. There is no need for trainers to reinvent the wheel. Everything is provided and the training is ready to go when you are ready. There are some excellent programs on the market. Here is a list of 6 of the best. (In no particular order)
Category: Management/Leadership
Author: Jim McKay
Posted: 10-08-2017 05:43 AM
Views: 5077
Synopsis: Job interviews have traditionally been social in nature and heavily reliant on feeling and subjective perceptions. While these interviews are comfortable for many managers, they aren't very effective and open the door to potential legal trouble. A much more scientific and effective approach is the structured interview - a system of interviewing that has saved organizations millions of dollars that once were lost to bad hires.
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 06-18-2011 09:39 PM
Views: 4719
Developing a comprehensive customer service training program is the most important business decision an organization can make. Customer service isn't just about please and thank you. It's about all the processes in your organization that affect the customer. In the world we live in today information is disseminated at breakneck speed. With Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and other social networking sites at your customer's fingertips a bad customer service experience can be broadcast and spread like a forest fire in a matter of hours. And this type of bad publicity can destroy your business just as sure as a fire will destroy a forest. The surest way to prevent a fire in the first place is through customer service training and the first step is a clearly defined customer service policy and procedures handbook that is given to every member of your team.
Category: Harassment
Posted: 07-02-2011 09:41 PM
Views: 4697
Sexual harassment videos are one of the most effective tools available to a trainer when educating employees on this sensitive topic. The visual aspect of video training makes the training more memorable and therefore the learning sticks. Sexual harassment training can be uncomfortable for both trainers and participants. Videos do the "heavy lifting" so to speak and make the training less difficult and uncomfortable. In addition, sexual harassment videos are thoroughly researched and developed. They save the trainer time and effort. Here are the most popular/best-selling programs of 2011.
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-09-2010 03:54 AM
Views: 4589
Interviewing an employee is one of the most important jobs that a manager will do. All interviews need to have a combination of legal and effective questions that will hire the best candidate and keep the company out of legal jeopardy. Setting the right tone at the beginning of an interview is essential to the whole process.