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7 Reasons Managers Should Put a Priority on Harassment Prevention
7 Reasons Managers Should Put a Priority on Harassment Prevention
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-04-2013 09:07 PM
Views: 12928
Synopsis: 7 excellent reasons that manager's should prioritize the prevention of harassment in the workplace.
Customer Service Training: Don't Let Your Bad Service Moments Go Viral
Customer Service Training: Don't Let Your Bad Service Moments Go Viral
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 09-05-2013 08:55 PM
Views: 12461
Synopsis: Have you ever had a bad experience with customer service, bad enough to sour you from going back to the establishment? It is important for an organization’s employees to know the meaning and value of customer service, in order to keep the most important aspect of their business healthy: profitability.
The Importance of Note Taking in Interviewing
The Importance of Note Taking in Interviewing
Category: Articles
Posted: 12-05-2010 03:57 AM
Views: 12056

Note taking is absolutely paramount when conducting an interview. The notes you take will be the only way to verify the facts garnered in the interview. Relying solely on memory will lead to thinking only about impressions. This leads to biases and preconceptions. Whether we realize it or not, everyone has developed biases and even if they are subconscious they can affect the way we view a candidate. Interviewing is more than a gut feeling, it's about finding the best person who has the knowledge, ability and experience to do the job. Note taking is imperative for successful hiring.

The Facts About California’s AB1825 Sexual Harassment Law
The Facts About California’s AB1825 Sexual Harassment Law
Category: Harassment
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-09-2018 03:17 PM
Views: 10841
Synopsis: A simple, concise and complete outline of the essential facts about California's AB1825 Sexual Harassment law.  California is one of just a few states to require sexual harassment training and now also requires training on abusive conduct, gender identity, gender expression, transitioning, sexual orientation and all of the other groups protected from harassment and discrimination by California law.
Facts About Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
Facts About Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
Category: Harassment
Posted: 02-26-2011 01:08 AM
Views: 10660

Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment is the most common harassment to occur in the workplace today.  Companies need to be cognizant of this type of harassment and make sure that their sexual harassment training covers every aspect of it.  Here are some facts about Hostile Environment harassment.

Business Ethics Training - Confidentiality
Business Ethics Training - Confidentiality
Category: Ethics
Posted: 01-29-2013 10:08 PM
Views: 10466
Synopsis: One of the most important aspects of business ethics training is confidentiality. The handling of confidential customer, patient or employee information and insider trading are two of the most crucial subjects within confidentiality to train your employees on.
Quid Pro Quo Versus Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
Quid Pro Quo Versus Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
Category: Harassment
Posted: 02-25-2011 01:08 AM
Views: 10026

There are two types of Sexual Harassment - Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Environment. Both types are illegal in the workplace and both types require sexual harassment training to insure that your organization is not liable in a sexual harassment complaint.

Quid Pro Quo occurs when a manager or supervisor withholds or awards job benefits on the basis of sexual favors. Quid Pro Quo literally means "This for That” in Latin.

Social Media: A Great Recruiting Tool When Used Properly
Social Media: A Great Recruiting Tool When Used Properly
Category: Articles
Posted: 04-08-2015 06:10 AM
Views: 10013
Synopsis: An overview of how to use social media to recruit highly qualified employees.
10 Ways Managers Get into Legal Trouble
10 Ways Managers Get into Legal Trouble
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 08-29-2012 09:14 PM
Views: 9586

Being a manager means traversing a legal minefield on a daily basis.  There are a myriad of ways managers can get tripped up and find themselves in court - or worse - arrested or fired.  The best way to prepare your managers is to provide them with employment law training.  The following are 10 of the most common ways a manager can make legal mistakes on the job.

The Legal Use of Email and Text Messaging at Work
The Legal Use of Email and Text Messaging at Work
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 09-27-2013 08:48 PM
Views: 8976
Synopsis: Email and text messaging have become an essential part of communication at work. However, the use is fraught with legal potholes. Learn about what to avoid when using these efficient forms of communication at work.

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