Customer Service

Customer Service

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Customer Service Entries

Social Media and Handling Customer Complaints
Social Media and Handling Customer Complaints
Category: Customer Service
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 08-10-2017 12:00 AM
Views: 16574
Synopsis: These days, more and more customer complaints are being handled through social media. Learning how to properly respond to customer complaints via social media is critical.
Customer Service Training: Don't Let Your Bad Service Moments Go Viral
Customer Service Training: Don't Let Your Bad Service Moments Go Viral
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 09-05-2013 08:55 PM
Views: 12670
Synopsis: Have you ever had a bad experience with customer service, bad enough to sour you from going back to the establishment? It is important for an organization’s employees to know the meaning and value of customer service, in order to keep the most important aspect of their business healthy: profitability.
Social Media is a New Frontier For Customer Service
Social Media is a New Frontier For Customer Service
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-18-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 6345

Social media is a quickly increasing trend in the online world. No matter the size of your business, small or large, it can benefit from the use of social media. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace can offer your company so much more than just blogging and adding friends. Gaining new clientele and letting the social media community know what your company offers are just a couple benefits of using this virtual media outlet.  Educating your employees on how to provide effective customer service training online is  a crucial part of taking advantage of this new technology.

The Importance of a Customer Service Training Program
The Importance of a Customer Service Training Program
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 06-18-2011 09:39 PM
Views: 4614

Developing a comprehensive customer service training program is the most important business decision an organization can make. Customer service isn't just about please and thank you. It's about all the processes in your organization that affect the customer. In the world we live in today information is disseminated at breakneck speed. With Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and other social networking sites at your customer's fingertips a bad customer service experience can be broadcast and spread like a forest fire in a matter of hours. And this type of bad publicity can destroy your business just as sure as a fire will destroy a forest. The surest way to prevent a fire in the first place is through customer service training and the first step is a clearly defined customer service policy and procedures handbook that is given to every member of your team.

5 Ways to Instantly Improve Customer Service
5 Ways to Instantly Improve Customer Service
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 02-20-2011 01:09 AM
Views: 3332

Customer service is the easiest way to get an edge on the competition. Studies have found that every disappointed customer tells an average of 10 people about their experience and that people are more likely to leave a business because of service rather than product. Customer service training for your employees will help you hold on to your customers and offer a superior experience over your competitors.

The Manager's Role in Customer Service Training
The Manager's Role in Customer Service Training
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-19-2011 07:16 PM
Views: 3330

Creating great customer service in any company begins with management, no matter what the business is. The reason why is simple-Control for the company lies in management's hands. They control how the company runs and the image they wish to produce, all focusing on customer satisfaction to ensure profit goals are met. Managers are in a position to show, teach and model how the customer service is played out. A quality management training program and, in particular, customer service management training, are the preliminary steps toward ensuring all company employees provide ongoing service that keeps customers returning and profits increasing.

The Locked Double Door - Everything is Customer Service
The Locked Double Door - Everything is Customer Service
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 02-06-2011 01:11 AM
Views: 3325

Recently, I went to my favorite ice cream shop and nearly pulled my arm out of my socket trying to open a locked door. The strange thing was that the store wasn't closed. For some reason, the double glass doors were only open on one side. Earlier in the day, I had gone to a local hardware store. (Yes, I know what you are thinking. Believe it or not there is still an independent local hardware store open in my city.) The hardware store also had this strange one door open, one door shut issue. Just like the ice cream shop, I nearly pulled my arm out of the socket on the locked door. These two establishments started me thinking. I realized that half of the stores I went to had a locked door when they were open. I also realized, as I looked back on it, that every single time I grabbed one of these locked doors I twinge of anger shot through my body and I entered the store annoyed.

Great Customer Service is a Company-Wide Priority
Great Customer Service is a Company-Wide Priority
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-16-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 3254

Good service begins at the top of any business. Quality customer service is going to create a bigger profit, and everyone who starts their own company expects to financially benefit. The easiest way to help create a large profit is by giving your customers amazing service. Every employee in a company plays a role in good service to the clients. Even the smallest and seemingly non-important roles play a part in creating a good environment.

Retail Customer Service Training
Retail Customer Service Training
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-17-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 3133

Customer service is a part of every employee's job description regardless of position. This is particularly true in retail stores where customer satisfaction is a determinate in not only the customer's willingness not purchase product but also in their desire to return to the store. Companies make a huge mistake by underestimating the role of repeat business in their bottom line, and the best way to ensure repeat business and healthy profits is to be known for excellent customer service. All employees should work toward excellent customer service. Without it, the company will not succeed and there will be no jobs. Customer service is one of the most important aspects of job security and company survival.

Don't Let the Service Department Ruin Your Service Reputation
Don't Let the Service Department Ruin Your Service Reputation
Category: Customer Service
Posted: 02-08-2011 01:10 AM
Views: 3095

Companies spend thousands, if not millions of dollars on advertising and customer service training to promote their extraordinary service and yet if the service department isn't on board all of this time and money is wasted.

About a month ago I took my lawn mower in for servicing at a local power tool and lawn mower company. The man in the service department told me the mower would be ready in 7-10 days and that they would call when the mower was ready. After 12 days, I hadn't heard from them so I called to find out about the status. I was told that it was going to be serviced that afternoon. The next day I showed up to pick the mower up and found out that it wasn't done, but would be done later that day. When we called the next day, the mower wasn't done but would be done that afternoon. To make a long story short, this happened again and again for the next week until we finally got the mower - ten days late.

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