Workplace Diversity

Workplace Diversity

Informative articles on workplace diversity training including stereotyping, biases and other diversity topics.

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Workplace Diversity Entries

The Impact of Microinequities and Microaggressions in the Workplace (and How YOU Can Make a Difference!)
The Impact of Microinequities and Microaggressions in the Workplace (and How YOU Can Make a Difference!)
Category: Workplace Diversity
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 11-26-2022 07:21 AM
Views: 3135
Synopsis: Learn how to combat microaggressions and microinequities in the workplace.
Fighting Unconscious Bias in Your Workplace
Fighting Unconscious Bias in Your Workplace
Category: Workplace Diversity
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 07-26-2021 05:06 AM
Views: 1426
Synopsis: Unconscious bias accounts for employee turnover and loss of employee morale.  Learn how to prevent it in your workplace.
Fighting Unconscious Bias in Your Workforce
Fighting Unconscious Bias in Your Workforce
Category: Workplace Diversity
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 03-05-2019 10:09 PM
Views: 2079
Synopsis: Learn how unconscious bias affects relationships, morale and productivity at work.
Looking to Innovate?  Try Workplace Diversity
Looking to Innovate? Try Workplace Diversity
Category: Workplace Diversity
Author: TrainingABC
Posted: 06-04-2018 04:25 PM
Views: 1935
Synopsis: Every year competition becomes more fierce and every year the need to innovate becomes more critical.  Organizations are constantly looking for ways to think differently.  The answer may actually lie in a company's demographics.  Diverse organizations bring a large variety of backgrounds and experiences with them to the workplace.  This has proven to be a crucial factor in innovation.
Stereotypes and Biases in the Workplace
Stereotypes and Biases in the Workplace
Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 08-26-2012 09:59 PM
Views: 6636

Stereotypes and biases can destroy an organization from the inside.  They tear apart morale, creativity and motivation.  Everyone has stereotypes and biases, but it's how we use them that makes all the difference.  A stereotype is a generalized view of a person based on life experience.  Essentially, we put people in a box just based on a shared trait.  A stereotype can be positive or negative, but always can be dangerous when used at work.  Biases are predispositions to see the world or people in a certain way.  A bias isn't necessarily a bad thing until it offends or is used to the detriment of a co-worker.   In the workplace, we can't allow these feelings to effect how we treat people.

The Best Diversity Training Videos on the Market
The Best Diversity Training Videos on the Market
Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 12-30-2011 10:59 PM
Views: 7082

The world that we live in has never been more diverse and as a result workplaces have never had more of a need for tolerance, understanding and communication. One of the best ways to address this issue is through diversity awareness training with diversity videos. Video training is one of the most effective tools in adult learning and these training packages include leaders guides, participant materials and in some cases Power Point presentations - every thing you need to facilitate a training session.

10 Ways to Respect Diversity in the Workplace
10 Ways to Respect Diversity in the Workplace
Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 12-09-2011 11:01 PM
Views: 225494

The world is a colorfully diverse place and so are our workplaces. Diversity is an economic and legal priority in business. It increases the bottom line, jump starts innovation and keeps businesses out of legal jeopardy. Managers, supervisors and employees at every level of a company need to find ways to embrace and respect diversity in their departments and the organization as a whole. Here are ten ways to get started.

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