Workplace Ethics Made Simple Spanish Version

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This course on workplace ethics is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Production Date
Video Length
8 minutes
Closed Captioning
TrainingABC Library
Employee Quiz
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A Spanish language workplace ethics video.

Our best selling video on workplace ethics is now available in Spanish.  The video has both Spanish narration and Spanish titling. 

A culture of workplace ethics can me the difference between success and failure in today's workplace.  This brand new course covers:

  • Theft of workplace resources.
  • Shoplifting and other internal shrinkage.
  • The legalities of patented or copyrighted materials.
  • Taking credit for or stealing the work of co-workers.
  • Falsifying pay records.
  • Inflated or fraudulent business expenses.
  • Deliberately doing less work than you are capable of out of laziness or to lower future expectations.
  • Socializing on company time including on social media.
  • Falsifying company documents.
  • Lying to or misleading customers.
  • Falsifying research and development.
  • Over-promising results.
  • Illegally destroying company documents and emails.
  • Anti-Trust Violations.
  • The manipulation of financial information
  • Failing to follow safety procedures.
  • Confidential customer, patient or employee information.
  • Insider trading 
  • Gossiping or spreading rumors.
  • Taunting, teasing, yelling and sarcasm
  • Menacing.
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Giving or accepting bribes.
  • Discrimination in employment decisions
  • Biases, stereotypes and prejudices.
  • The consequences of poor ethics.
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Made Simple
  • Workplace Bullying Prevention Made Simple
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