Sexual Harassment Prevention in Healthcare

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This video-based training program is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Video Length
7 minutes
Closed Captioning
TrainingABC Library
Employee Quiz
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This anti-sexual harassment course is specifically for healthcare organizations.


This visually stunning course is brand new and completely updated to 2018 sexual harassment training standards. Train your healthcare employees with this 7-minute video that comes with a 15 question quiz. The program is available on DVD, USB Flash Drive, streaming, online training or as an electronic license in SCORM 1.2 or MP4 to use on your organization's LMS system.


Sexual harassment is an epidemic in healthcare. Some surveys have shown 80% of nurses and 30% doctors have been sexually harassed at work. With multi-million dollar lawsuits constantly in the news, training has become essential to prevent and address the issue. This program will take your employees through all aspects of sexual harassment with a no-nonsense direct style.


This brand new Sexual Harassment course covers:

  • Quid Pro Quo Harassment
  • Hostile Environment sexual harassment
  • The Reasonable Person Standard
  • Prevention Techniques
  • Sexting
  • E-mail harassment
  • Gender harassment
  • Harassment from patients and other visitors to the facility
  • Same-Sex Harassment
  • Pregnancy Jokes and Comments
  • Sexual jokes
  • Verbal behaviors such as suggestive whistling & catcalls
  • Unwanted flirting and dating requests
  • Physical assaults or threats,
  • Intimidation
  • Physically blocking a person’s movement or ability to work.
  • Leering
  • Physical behaviors such as back rubs, back scratching & hugs
  • Use of demeaning names
  • Social Networking sites
  • Legal consequences for harassers
  • And much more.

This healthcare specific video is based on TrainingABC's besting-selling title Sexual Harassment Prevention Made Simple.  The course covers a massive amount of information in 7 minutes, but in an easy-to-understand style that leaves no doubt about sexual harassment is, the consequences of engaging in it, and how to prevent it.

  • Harassment Prevention Made Simple
  • Workplace Bullying Prevention Made Simple
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