5 Ways to Motivate a High-Performing Employee

Category: Management/Leadership
Posted: 02-09-2011 01:10 AM
Views: 5194

You probably have an employee in your work group that is highly focused and productive and has risen above the rest of the group in terms of value. If you do, this type of success-driven individual has specific things that motivate them and you should endeavor to meet these needs.

You probably have an employee in your work group that is highly focused and productive and has risen above the rest of the group in terms of value. If you do, this type of success-driven individual has specific things that motivate them and you should endeavor to meet these needs.

More Responsibility

Yes, while many people are looking for ways to do less work, the high performing employee thrives on having more responsibility. They are looking for ways to challenge themselves and distinguish themselves in the workplace. They are upwardly mobile and want to prove their worth to the company. In addition, success-driven people get bored with a lack of responsibility and boredom leads to de-motivation.

Career Path

The high-performing employee has probably set her sights on being a manager and moving up the corporate ladder. They need to know that the career path they have envisioned is possible in your company. Discuss the dynamics of the company and what is needed for a promotion. They will be much more motivated when they know there goals are within reach.


You are a manager and thus you are the perfect candidate to be their mentor. Having a mentor who has attained what they have envisioned will be highly motivating for them. They have a thirst for knowledge and are driven to put that knowledge to work in their careers.


Most everyone loves recognition but most likely your success-driven employee sees it as validation for all their hard work and they thrive on it. They have probably been successful in other aspects of their lives and received recognition, so they have come to expect it as a reward for hard work. Giving it to them is a necessity because if you're not, they could feel undervalued and they could leave and the last thing you want is another company giving them the recognition.


The high-performing employee wants to be an expert in their job. They want to be trained so that they are producing at the highest level possible. Give them that chance by offering employee training whenever possible. Even if it means losing them for a couple of days at a seminar or conference, it will pay huge dividends in the end.

They are focused, production and efficient and you can afford to lose them. Take the time to give them more responsibility, a career path, training, mentoring and recognition. Motivating a high-performing employee is imperative, so make it part of your management strategy today.

Charlie Bentson King is a writer and producer of motivational training videos for TrainingABC. TrainingABC is a distributor of motivational training programs such as Celebrate What's Right with the World and Give em the Pickle.

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