The Top 10 Motivational Training Videos/DVDs on the Market

Category: Articles
Posted: 03-05-2010 09:35 PM
Views: 23967

These are tough times and a good old fashioned motivational video can be a great way to start a meeting, event or to get ramped up for a new organizational goal.  Try one of these new or classic motivational videos to rev up your workplace.

Motivational videos are a great way to spice up any meeting.  Everyone nees a little motivation sometimes, so take a look at these top picks from our motivational video section.

I. Celebrate What's Right with the World - The Dewitt Jones classic may be the best-selling motivational DVD of all time and it's worthy of this position.  No one is more passionate than Dewitt and his enthusiasm will rub off on any audience.  Innovation, Creativity and Inspiration are the main points hit on in this program.

2. Do Right: The Plan - Lou Holtz shines in this latest of the Do Right series.  Lou is funny, poignant and motivational throughout as he exposes his main points - be passionate, have a positive attitude, have focus and be a dreamer.
3. What's Holding You Back? - This short motivational film features some of history's greatest heroes.  It explains how even some of the most successful people in history like Nelson Mandela and Thomas Edison overcame great obstacles to reach their successes.

4. Get on the Right Bus with Mike "Coach K" Krzyzewski - Legendary Duke Coach K Shares his Philosophy of the power of words, explores the powerful words that have motivated and inspired so many individuals and teams, and encourages you to find the specific worlds that will change your life and give your team the winning edge.

5. Attitude: Radiating Possibility with Ben Zander - World-renowned conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, Ben Zander encourages all of us to confront our fears and embrace the world of possibilities.  Zander is exuberant and enthusiastic as we watch him work with his music students and speak to a corporate audience.
6. Give em the Pickle!  -  Give em the Pickle is a customer service video, but it's one on the most motivational films on any subject every made.  If your audience works with customers in any capacity, this program is a must have.
7. The Star Thrower Story - Joel Barker's most classic story is now a 6 minute motivational video.  The program reminds us that we all have the ability to make a difference. As individuals, we can choose to take action and participate in the world around us. Together, we can shape the future.
8. Lessons From Geese - You wouldn't think a 2 minute video of flying geese would be so motivational and inspiring but somehow it is.   In just 2 minutes it teaches five key lessons about being a team player and winning as a team. It will lift the mood and help you develop commitment to peak performance, both within individuals and throughout teams.
9. Extraordinary - This new 3 minute meeting opener has quickly become one of the best-selling meeting openers on the market.  The program asks the questions.  Why not have passion in everything you do? Why not be courageous? Why not have a positive attitude? Why not find beauty in everything? Why not be a leader? A coach? A mentor? Why not do something you've never done before? Why not dream big? Why not have conviction, character, value? Why not attack every problem with determination? Why not believe in yourself?
10. 1440 Minutes - This engaging new film points out that everyone living on the planet has the same amount of time in the day to accomplish greatness.  The video compares historic figures and people who made difference on the same amount of time as you and I.
If you would like to suggest any other films for our list, put your suggestion in the comment section.

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