Cybersecurity for Employees Spanish Version

  • Full Length Video Evaluation
  • Evaluate the E-learning Course
This video-based training program is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Video Length
17 minutes
Closed Captioning
Employee Quiz
  • Details
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Spanish language version.

This new video course focuses on stopping the ever-growing threat of cyber theft. The program, designed for all employees, teaches the subject in language that even a non-technical person can understand. Cybersecurity is in the hands of employees. Despite billions of dollars spent protecting organizational networks, the real threat comes from within. Hackers focus their energies on tricking naive employees into giving up passwords and other confidential data. This is much easier than attacking a technologically advanced firewall. Just one mistake from one employee can give them the keys to an entire network.


This cybersecurity course covers:


  • The cost of data theft
  • Passwords
  • How hackers uncover passwords
  • How hackers use passwords
  • E-mail
  • Phishing
  • Social engineering
  • WiFi security
  • Home networks
  • USB drives
  • Websites
  • Security updates
  • Protecting social media accounts
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